My name is Kevin. I've been an engineer since leaving school and i've always been looking for a safe natural product that would improve my energy levels and my levels of concentration.
I was introduced to the Arkworld product range early in 2011. After taking the Ark 1 Pink Drink supplement i noticed almost immediately that my vision was noticeably sharper. After using the products over a weekend it allowed them to get into my system fully. The following week i found i could easily do a 9hr day without becoming tired or stressed and i did not suffer from the 1hr drive home in the evening either.
Working physically often causes me to damage my hands with scratches and cuts. Using the Ark 1 product has allowed me to heal much faster and i don't keep re-opening cuts and scratches like i used to because they heal up much faster.
When playing football i have noticed that i don't have trouble changing pace within the game whereas i used to notice the effects of fatigue when changing from jogging to running during phases of the game. I recently twisted my knee while playing due to the uneven pitch surface and did not notice the usual pains associated with the injury as the Ark 3 X-Cell tablets stopped the swelling and inflammation early on.
Thank you for reading my testimonial, i hope you found it helpful in your search for better health and well being.
Lifestyle Focus Arkworld Distributor
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
All those conditions effect different parts of the body, yet still have something very SERIOUS in common INFLAMMATION!! Each year scientists find more and more conditions that inflammation is thought to play a key role in. A lot of diseases that are occurring today, which are attributed to old age, are actually caused by this process!
Inflammation is our body’s first reaction to infection. When a person gets a cut, for instance-which damages the tissue-those dreaded invaders (bacteria) enter the body, and the immune system kicks in immediately. This defence mode sends out many different types of specialised immune cells. Each cell has a different job. Mast cells release histidine & cytokines, which alert your body of the damage. Hystidine’s main job is to increase blood flow to this damaged area which is what cause the redness & swelling. Cells found in the connective tissue & epidermis of the skin, called macrophages ( commonly known as large eating cells ), then enter into area. Macrophages job is to secrete immune messenger that destroys the bacteria, cleaning up the damaged area. The final process is for the cavalry of immune cells to enter the infected area to help with the battle, followed by more cells which begin the healing process. During this healing process the area will become red, hot, swollen, and usually very painful. What causes this: redness – increased blood flow, hotness – the battle taking place to kill the bacteria in the area, swollen – excess fluid and cells at the site, pain – indicator of inflammation. Common cause of inflammation that people experience, where the skin becomes hot to touch, swollen and painful include sunburn, a twisted ankle, or an insect bite.
Remember, inflammation is our body’s way of notifying as that there is damage and most importantly, the way defence system keep invaders from entering our body and causing serious injury. Keep in mind that if this inflammation becomes chronic or low grade, our immune cells stay active which can cause serious damage to good tissue. If this chronic inflammation is left unresolved, it will create other diseases – leading to a very painful damaging inflamed state – attacking the joints, organs or arteries.
What causes inflammation?
As discussed previously, inflammation is an effective method of ensuring that invaders do not enter our bodies and create problem. Invaders can enter through such things as a cut or sunburn. But outward origins like: stress, parasites, viruses, bacteria, environmental poisons, sugar, overeating (obesity), smoking and high insulin are just a few other causes of inflammation. There is also variety of foods that can promote inflammation. Foods that are high in Arachidonic Acid: like eggs, beef, dairy products, organ meats (liver, heart and giblets), are great inflammation promoters. The body has a complicated process that breaks down this arachidonic acid into inflammatory agents, including Prostagladin & Leukotriens (hormones) which control the mechanism of inflammation by constricting blood vessels and promoting blood clots. Foods that are overcooked of fried at high temperatures also incite the inflammatory response. This response is due to AGES (Advanced Glycation End Products), which the body sometimes treats as an invader. These AGES are produced when protein is bonded to glucose molecule, and are very difficult for the body to break down. As the body attempts to do so, immune cells secrete large amounts of inflammatory Cytokines, which act in the same way they would against an infection. A lot of the diseases occurring today which are attributed to old age, are actually caused by this process. Depending on where the AGES occur, arthritis, cataracts, memory loss, heart disease, or wrinkled skin could result.
So as you can see, inflammation can be positive, preventing the spread of bacteria throughout the body; or negative, leading to AGES and possibly arthritis, caused by actions like over-cooking your food.
Did you know, that inflammation is thought to be the culprit behind visible signs of ageing? Inflammation is a wellness buzz-word these days, and for a good reason. If you reduce / heal inflammation in your body, you’ll not only look and feel better, but you significantly lower your risk for chronic disease.
Conventional treatments for inflammation
Research in under way to develop different types of drugs that could actually inhibit the inflammatory process. But as with any drug, there comes variety of unwanted side effects etc. The pharmaceutical industry has many different types of drugs that merely mask the symptoms or decrease the pain for a short period of time. Of course, taking painkillers to relieve the pain is an option, but this is simply masking and not preventing of curing the problem. The main goal of the pharmaceutical industry thus far has been to develop drugs which control pain. More pain medications are purchased for arthritis than any other disorder.
These NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) do come with a price, however. When taken in higher doses they cause liver damage / kidney failure. With side effects such as gastrointestinal complications (bleeding, nausea & vomiting) liver damage, stomach ulcers, immune system depression, mental confusion & finally, kidney failure. Some of the most famous advertised arthritic drugs have more side effects than letters in the Greek alphabet. This is just what we need …. to mask the pain and come up with 10 other ailments that are side effects to these dangerous drugs.
Natural remedies
There are many natural remedies …some are just okay and most are a waste of money! Glucosamine products have been shown to provide some relief, but this compound must be taken in high dosages. Glucosamine
Our product X-Cell ( Purple Pill ) is pharmaceutically graded, organic, vegetarian – with extensive in-house testing and clinical trials done on the main ingredient Kre-Celazine(R)
Arkworld's Anti-Inflammatory, Alkalising Ark 3 X-Cell (Purple Pill)
A look inside the product by Chief Executive Scientist – Jeff Golini
Arkworld’s new product X-Cell contains Kre-Celazine which is non-drug patented ingredient that has been medically and clinically proven to reduce pain and rapidly promote joint health, improving flexibility and mobility along with reducing inflammation.
Kre-Celazine is a complex material consisting of bonding Kre-Alkalyn (US Patent 6,399,661) with esterified fatty acid carbons. The esterified process makes the fatty acids stable so does not react with oxygen. ( This is not esterified creatine; the fatty acids have been esterified ). Inflammation can shorten our life span by promoting many degenerative diseases, so the benefits of X-Cells Kre-Celazine are essential to reduce this risk.
What does X-Cell(TM) and Kre-Celazine do? X-Cell with Kre-Celazine is multifunctioning, which is unique as to why this compound is so effective.
Part 1 The body is made up of an enormous amount of cells separated into varied types & functions. The cell membrane is the organized structure separating and projecting components in the cell from neighboring cells and the outside world. One of the major component of the cell membrane is structual lipids. These lipids regulate the nutrients, minerals, electrolytes, drugs and other compounds across the cell membrane. This regulation is very critical to the adequate function and health of the individual cell.
X-Cells main ingredient Kre-Celazine enhances the cell membrane and its integrity for efficient functionality. It provides the cell membrane with an ideal blend of lipids to enhance its function. A myriad of body stressors impair & target the cell membrane lipids, creating danger to the peak functioning & health of the membrane and cell. This reaction damages the membrane, leading to the cell’s demise. Taking oral X-Cell capsules unables the cell membrane to protect the cell and repel the stressors. Kre-Celazine also assists in perfecting the function of the channeling capabilities of the cell membrane. The result is a more efficient, fluid, permeable and youthfull cell membrane.
Loss of cell membrane integrity from internal and external stressors begins a number of rapid aging processes – icluding an uncontrolled or inbalanced inflammations. Inflammation can occur with age, dietary conditions, free radicals, stress or other insults which stimulate or stiffen cell membranes. This could lead to one or more forms of arthritis ( bursitis and tendinitis included ); periodontal disease, wrinkles, cardiovascular disease ( CVD ) rapid aging and many other related maladies.
X-Cell’s Kre-Celazine not only halts the cascade of inflammation, but rapidly begins restoring the body on cumulative basis. Flexibility is restored, pain is eliminated and the appearance of wrinkles is reversed. It accomplishes these features by enhancing the lipid structure of the cell membrane and converting it to a super-membrane – enabling the cells to rapidly repair and regenerate. This unique enhancement of the cell membrane leads to the multitude fo restorative, healing and age reversing attributes of Arkworld’s X-Cell with Kre-Celazine including arthritis and inflammatory conditions.PART2 X-Cells main ingredient Kre-Celazine also plays a role of supressing inflammatory cell function; decreasing cartilage breakdown, triggering of cell death, and like NSAIDs reducing the inflammatory activities fo COX-2 enzyme. This is primarily accomplished by inhibiting ARACHIDONIC ACID and decreasing the pro-inflammatory effect of other fatty acids.
Remember that Arachidonic Acid is one of the main promoters of the inflammatory cascade of immune factors. Kre-Celazine also works to reduce the production of the negative immune factor IL-6 to control the immune factors responsible for inflammation.
PART3 The esterified fatty acids found in X-Cells Kre-Celazine are bonded with Kre-Alkalyn (US Patent 6,399661) and studies show that it relieves joint pain and inflammation.Remember, intense exercise causes inflammation to the muscles. Too much training and too little rest can produce excessive amount of inflammation leading to tissue deterioration, impaired immunities, and serious over-training. Reseach has shown that using Kre-Celazine containing Kre-Alkalyn found in X-Cell reduces cellular damage and the inflammatory response after exercise. When a person exercises or tenses a muscle, energy is required for the muscle to function properly. The energy it uses comes from several different sources, but primarily from nutrients obtained from food. These nutrients are broken down by natural processes occuring within the human body. By this process, new compounds are formed which the body uses to develop energy. One of these compounds is ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE (ATP). When muscle energy is needed, ATP is broken down one step further into a chemical called ADENOSINE DIPHOSPHATE (ADP). This process releases energy which is then used by the contracting muscles. Without sufficient ATP muscles do not perform properly. Muscles can only store only limited of ATP. As a result, it has been found that with about 5-10 seconds of muscle exertion, the amount of stored ATP is depleted. This results in muscle failure and fatigue.
When this happens, the body tries to restore its immediate source of ATP by borrowing high energy phosphate from a chemical called CREATINE PHOSPHATE (CP). Muscle cells store the chemical, CP, in the same way it stores ATP. If high intensity exercise goes beyond 10 seconds, the body will continue to try and restore it’s ATP levels by a process called GLYCOLYSIS. This process is complicated and is a slow method of restoring ATP levels. When the body does not have enough energy to function properly, ailments like inflammation and joint pain can set in ( due to lack of recovery ). Increased CP levels are essential for recuperation and recovery.
PART4 One of the KEY effects that X-Cell(TM) with Kre-Celazine has on the body is its ALKALAZING EFFECT. When considering the many components which make up our health, few things are more important in the body than having the proper pH or alkaline/acid balance. There are different levels of pH in various systems in the body, but they must all be kept in a very specific balance for the body to function normally and at peak efficiency.The various foods we consume are the primerly means by which the body is either kept in optimal pH balance or thrown into pH chaos. Too many acidic foods, like sodas and processed dietary supplements on the market today contain a loads of citric acid for taste – which are at higher levels than seen in foods. The body likes to be slightly on the alkaline side of the scale and will compensate and correct this imbalance. The process of trying to re-establish a normal, health pH when altered is very stressfull on the body. If sustained for a long enough period of time, this altered pH can result in abnormal organ function, damage and disease.
The pH scale ranges from 1-14, 1being the most acidic & 14 being most alkaline. The delicate pH range for good heath at cellular level must be maintained within the range 6.8 – 7.4 When you lower your body’s pH to the acidic side, immediate problems develop that will actually result in damage and disease.
Besides effecting your body’s functions, this low pH state has also been shown to effect the mind and emotions. The following are some side effects of sustaining your body at a low pH : irritability, Anxiety, low grade fevers, joint pain and inflammation, depression, susceptibility to infection, digestive problems.
This is to name just a few…..!!!
The benefits of X-Cell(TM) with Kre-Celazine’s patented alkalizing technology are crutial for eliminating inflammation and putting your body in what I call “GREEN HOUSE EFFECT”! A balanced pH is where your body functions, grows, recovers and work BEST.PART5 Arkworld’s X-Cell (TM) with Kre-Celazine and its double patent, is one of the most researched products to come on the market. It is new technology that far surpasses the large doses of glucosamine that are currently needed to get some joints pain relief – by using dangerous drugs that just mask the pain.
Arkworld's Supreme Multi Vitamin & Mineral Supplement Ark 2
Ark 2 is designed to be taken in conjunction with Ark 1. It is part of Arkworld's exclusive Micro Nutrition product line. Ark 2 is a supreme Multi Vitamin and Mineral Supplement, with 20 mg of Co-Enzyme Q 10. Co Q 10 is a fat soluble vitamin found in every cell in our bodies and is an essential enzyme in the production of cellular energy.
Without Co Q 10 we would not have enough energy to fuel the physiological reactions that we need to survive. Ark 2 is targeted to your body's special needs.
Without Co Q 10 we would not have enough energy to fuel the physiological reactions that we need to survive. Ark 2 is targeted to your body's special needs.
Arkworld's 'Pink Drink' Ark 1
ARK1- only arginine based product scientifically proven to produce significant endurance/performance gains !!
Maximum Athletic Performance
ARK1(TM) contains the ultimate growth-hormone release formulation, arginine, to help support muscle growth, fat metabolism and non stop energy!
Some of the most famous athletes in the world took part in the testing phase of arginine supplements, including Mr. Universe; Mr. Olympia; World Lifting Federation and Olympic athletes.
Professional athletes may use ARK1(TM) to help:
improve muscle tone
increase muscle-to-fat ratios
improve muscle coordination and bone density
increase energy levels
reduce recovery times
speed wound healing
as an alternative to steroids
Up to 98% absorbed – powerful and no waste
ARK1(TM) has unique formulation ensuring that in liquid form is up to 98% absorbed directly into the blood stream and into the cells within a matter of minutes. It does not have to worry about waiting until it arrives in your stomach where HCL (hydrochloric acid) must break it down and hope that it fully does before it enters your small intestine. According to the National Advisory Board, 100mg consumed in a tablet form translates into a minute stabilized 8.3mg concentration in the blood.
Proven to be safe
Arginine, the active ingredient in ARK1(TM), has been used safely in humans for over 30 years. Thousands of professional athletes, as well as non-athletes, have used arginine supplements with no adverse side effects. ARK1(TM) was formulated by doctors and is promoted by doctors and is manufactured in a FDA certified laboratory.
Accepted by the Olympic Committee
Athletes using arginine supplements have won Gold medals. Arginine supplements are used and promoted by famous world-class athletes who have used arginine supplements during their careers and in their competition events. ARK1(TM) is legal for use in Olympic games, IFBB world body building competitions, WPF power lifting events, fitness pageants, NFL events, NBA events, the Iron man competition and any other sports event.
Dietary supplement not drug
ARK1(TM) has non-drug status because it does not contain illegal or drug-status pharmaceutical HGH or ingredients which are harmful to humans. Natural peak growth (GH) levels occur 20min. after exercise and during delta sleep. ARK1(TM) accesses the dietary-induced HGH pathway in humans evidenced in hundreds of growth hormone clinical studies. The human body produces its own growth hormone naturally through the anterior pituitary gland making Trophic hormones, which activate endocrine system glands. Growth hormone is a Trophic hormone, and as such can be promoted by administration of natural Homeostatic HGH protocol.
Low glycemic
Research has shown that a high glycemic reaction in drink or food form attenuates (weakens) GH levels. A high fat drink or meal also reduces GH response by about 50% and so do MCT’s (Medium chain Triglycerides), an oil frequently used by athletes in place of fat.
Maximum Athletic Performance
ARK1(TM) contains the ultimate growth-hormone release formulation, arginine, to help support muscle growth, fat metabolism and non stop energy!
Some of the most famous athletes in the world took part in the testing phase of arginine supplements, including Mr. Universe; Mr. Olympia; World Lifting Federation and Olympic athletes.
Professional athletes may use ARK1(TM) to help:
improve muscle tone
increase muscle-to-fat ratios
improve muscle coordination and bone density
increase energy levels
reduce recovery times
speed wound healing
as an alternative to steroids
Up to 98% absorbed – powerful and no waste
ARK1(TM) has unique formulation ensuring that in liquid form is up to 98% absorbed directly into the blood stream and into the cells within a matter of minutes. It does not have to worry about waiting until it arrives in your stomach where HCL (hydrochloric acid) must break it down and hope that it fully does before it enters your small intestine. According to the National Advisory Board, 100mg consumed in a tablet form translates into a minute stabilized 8.3mg concentration in the blood.
Proven to be safe
Arginine, the active ingredient in ARK1(TM), has been used safely in humans for over 30 years. Thousands of professional athletes, as well as non-athletes, have used arginine supplements with no adverse side effects. ARK1(TM) was formulated by doctors and is promoted by doctors and is manufactured in a FDA certified laboratory.
Accepted by the Olympic Committee
Athletes using arginine supplements have won Gold medals. Arginine supplements are used and promoted by famous world-class athletes who have used arginine supplements during their careers and in their competition events. ARK1(TM) is legal for use in Olympic games, IFBB world body building competitions, WPF power lifting events, fitness pageants, NFL events, NBA events, the Iron man competition and any other sports event.
Dietary supplement not drug
ARK1(TM) has non-drug status because it does not contain illegal or drug-status pharmaceutical HGH or ingredients which are harmful to humans. Natural peak growth (GH) levels occur 20min. after exercise and during delta sleep. ARK1(TM) accesses the dietary-induced HGH pathway in humans evidenced in hundreds of growth hormone clinical studies. The human body produces its own growth hormone naturally through the anterior pituitary gland making Trophic hormones, which activate endocrine system glands. Growth hormone is a Trophic hormone, and as such can be promoted by administration of natural Homeostatic HGH protocol.
Low glycemic
Research has shown that a high glycemic reaction in drink or food form attenuates (weakens) GH levels. A high fat drink or meal also reduces GH response by about 50% and so do MCT’s (Medium chain Triglycerides), an oil frequently used by athletes in place of fat.
Recent research published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, has revealed the dietary supplement ARK1(TM) improves high intensity exercise endurance by an amazing 20%!! An independent research at the University of Exeter found the supplement ARK1 to increase nitric oxide in the body, significantly boosting stamina / endurance levels during high-intensity exercise. The study has important implications for athletes, as results suggest that taking the supplement can allow people to exercise longer ( up to 20% ) and could produce a 1% – 2% improvement in race times.
ARK1 is being used by Premiership Football teams, elite cyclists, professional tennis players, triathletes and other endurance athletes. Professional athletes are using it because it delivers results, not because they are being paid to endorse it!!
Arginine derived Nitric Oxide that can be produced from Arginine and Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate found in Arkworld’s ARK1, is highly effective as a supplement for Athletes. The increased anabolic hormones such as Insulin and Human Growth Hormone produced from taking Arginine and A-AKG, not only increases training performance in athletes, but can help to increase blood flow, muscle mass, the post training healing process and recuperation along with endurance and performance increase, along with its anti – aging properties as well.
As the sport and athletic world continue to find more advanced way to succeed to a greater extent and increase their overall performance and results, one thing is for sure; the revolutionary discoveries to date that are behind ARKWORLD’S PRODUCTS, make them an incredible addition to any athlete’s training program and a MUST to stay ahead of the competition.
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